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13 Dec

Midlife Money MOT: Navigating Financial Challenges in Your 40s and 50s

As we transition through the different stages of life, it’s crucial to ensure that our financial planning remains on track. The 40s and 50s can…

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13 Dec

Our Tenth Year of Spreading Christmas Cheer

It’s Christmas time, which means one thing…the return of our Festive Charitable Gift Appeal. We are delighted to announce that this is our tenth year…

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13 Dec

Autumn Statement 2023 – The Devil is in the Detail

This last fiscal Statement of 2023 has been and gone without a great deal of fanfare. The Chancellor announced various measures designed to stimulate growth…

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30 Oct

Understanding Different Types of Investment Risk

It is often said that risk and reward go hand in hand, with a degree of risk being required to reap potential rewards. Investing involves…

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30 Oct

A Sustainable Approach to Pension Drawdown

The cost of living crisis has reportedly led to many individuals accessing large sums from their pension pots. HMRC figures show that money withdrawn from…

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21 Oct

Alison Scoops Paraplanner of the Year Title at Prestigious Industry Awards

Gresham Wealth Management Paraplanner, Alison Lawler, has been awarded the title of Paraplanner of the Year at the Personal Finance Society’s annual awards. To achieve…

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02 Oct

Alison Lawler Shortlisted for Paraplanner of the Year

Gresham Wealth Management is delighted to announce that Alison Lawler has been shortlisted for the prestigious title of Paraplanner of the Year at the Personal…

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02 Oct

Back to School: Planning to Fund Your Children's Education

As parents, ensuring a successful future for your children is a top priority. One crucial aspect is planning for their education. With many school and…

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02 Oct

Safeguarding your Financial Goals During Separation or Divorce

Going through separation or divorce is undoubtedly one of the most challenging and emotionally draining experiences in life. Amidst the emotional turmoil, it is crucial…

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12 Sep

Wills and Charitable Giving: A Powerful Combination for Estate Planning

When it comes to estate and financial planning, much of the focus is often on ensuring your estate is effectively distributed amongst family members and…

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12 Sep

Inheritance Tax Receipts on the Rise

In recent years, inheritance tax (IHT) collections have seen an unprecedented rise, leaving many individuals and families concerned about the financial implications of passing on…

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24 Jul

Beyond Retirement Income – The Importance of Pensions for Business Owners

Business owners may consider their business to be their pension plan, relying on its future sale, or perhaps the business premises, to deliver a lump…

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I am only in this position because of you. One of the best decisions I have ever taken going with GWM.

With great thanks for all your reassuring attention over the last year. It means more to me than I can express in a few words.

I just want to thank you and your team so very much for all you do for me throughout the year. It is a real comfort to know that my investments are in such capable hands. I literally couldn’t do it on my own.

We are both very grateful for the time you spent with us in explaining various options. We certainly feel we now both have a much better understanding of our situation & the decisions which we need to consider moving forward.

Thanks again for your advice, you have given me the kick I needed to take control and I’m very grateful for that.

We feel we can phone at any time during office hours if we need anything clarifying. Our financial adviser knows our personal circumstances and is in tune with our goals and lifestyle. His advice has been and continues to be excellent.

You’ve solved that dilemma for me… Thank you for being so clear and honest as always.

A very personalised service… All advice is tailored to my needs with great consideration to issues I may not have thought of myself. I feel confident about my future finances.

Thank you so much again for your time and brilliant advice.

Just a big thank you for all you have done for our family. We do appreciate it.